Stephan Martiniere
DOWN AMONG THE DEAD is the second book in the THE FARIAN WAR.
The series started in THE INDRANAN WAR (three books) and right after the end of book three continued in THERE BEFORE THE CHAOS – the first book in THE FARIAN WAR.
You should absolutely start with BEHIND THE THRONE – the first book in THE INDRANAN WAR.
This review is for DOWN AMONG THE DEAD.
If you read this review without having read the preceding books, there will be spoilers – so don’t read the review until you have read the preceding books.
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——————————– A liar. A thief and smuggler. A killer through and through. I’d thought that was all I was, but I was dragged home by those who’d convinced themselves I was an empress worthy of the throne, and somewhere along the way I started to believe it myself. I am a killer. I am also an empress. I am the Star of Indrana and there is no one who can stand in my way. Hail Bristol and the remainder of her crew has been captured by Aiz Cevalla and Mia of the Shen. Hail is devastated by the loss of most of her crew and friends when the embassy exploded. She is having nightmares and has lost most of her will to continue living after the devastating loss. She cannot contact the outside world and has no idea if anyone knows she is still alive. Of course things are not completely what they seem, but Hail spends six months as a prisoner before things change. Who are their real enemies – The Shen or the Farians, the gods of the Farians or maybe not any of these, but someone else? The plot thickens and we shall have to wait till book three until we get any answers. K. B. Wagers is still doing a fantastic job with these books. This is some of the best Space Opera around, and I finished this book in record time.